Emergency First Aid at Work v 3 Day First Aid at Work

Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 employers just provide adequate & appropriate equipment and facilities for the immediate attention of employees who become injured/ill at work. However, in addition to this, must also to ensure appropriate and adequately trained personnel are in place to handle situations where employees require immediate medical care.

What are your options?

So, you have your First Aid provisions in place. You know your policies and procedures. Now it’s time to get the right people trained up to do the job.

There are generally two options for First Aid training.

  1. Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day) – This course is designed for lower risk work activities. Or alternatively can act as an additional support for your 3 Day qualified First Aider.
  2. 3 Day First Aid at Work – This course is designed for higher risk work activities such as engineering, construction, manufacturing, chemicals and so on.

The course that’s right for you will really come down to the results of your company’s First Aid Needs Assessment. Asking yourself questions similar to the examples below will help to identify what First Aid provisions you should have in place.

  1. What level of risk is our work?
  2. How many employees am I responsible for?
  3. What are the shift patterns of my employees?
  4. How many employees are on shift at any given time?
  5. Are any of my employees lone working?
  6. Where is the nearest hospital to where my employees are working?
  7. What is my company’s history of accidents?
  8. What is the nature of the work we are carrying out?

Who are your First Aiders?

These examples are just a few of what should be considered, but it’s not just what course you need to think about. Who do you choose?

Choosing your First Aider is also a task in itself. When doing so you must consider if they are suitably competent to perform the task? Can they cope well under the stress and pressure of an emergency? Are they able to communicate well? How well can they absorb and learn new information effectively?

Pick somebody who you trust, is reliable and probably most importantly CALM.

A change to the previously mentioned First Aid Regulations in 2013 means that the HSE no longer approve first aid training and qualifications. They still police it though. There is an array of advice and guidance available on their website to help you ensure you are complying with the law and doing everything you can to keep your employees safe.

For any help, guidance or advice on your First Aid provisions or First Aid Needs Assessment get in touch.